Excel Problem Solved!

I was so happy that my problem in Microsoft Excel was already solved. I value my time a lot that I hesitated in referring my Excel problem to our IT because it might take a lot of hours. I already informed my team leader about it and she emailed our London base client regarding my problem with their programs in Excel. We got a reply instantly but the only suggested action was to close and open the Excel. I have tried it but it won't work. I could not download a statement and it would not copy paste formulas. I left nothing to do about it but to ask my co-employee to download the statement for me and send it to me. It has been like that for a couple of days. Then one day, I thought of searching in the Internet the solution to my problem. Thankfully, Google Search suggested a lot of sites. In one of the sites, the suggestion was to uninstall my Skype Click to Call plug in. I tried it and it works. I could now copy and paste formulas in Micro...